
Jottings in the Media

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CDC coronavirus

Be Smart Like a Virus

Viruses, like COVID-19 or Ebola are smart little suckers. Every year we humans are getting a slightly different vaccine for the anticipated seasonal flu virus, ...
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Whack-A-Mole is a lousy crisis strategy

I like smacking arcade vermin as much as the next person. Whack-a-mole is alternatively satisfying and frustrating. But the frustration generally lasts longer than the ...
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Talk Back to the Lion

Aesop’s Fables offer us a story about a mouse who talked his way out of certain death. Then backed up his talk with action. To ...
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To Tell the Truth

Read the story of Nathan and David in the Old Testament, 2 Samuel 12 and see what happens when a trusted advisor tells the CEO ...
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Morgan Lyons

Managing Misinformation

Like most news consumers I’ve been spending a lot of time with “misinformation.” You can also call it fake news, or lies or BS. Like ...
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